We are “shaped” by society

Eliana vasconcelos
2 min readNov 19, 2019


Illustration made by me

Yesterday I was talking with my husband about how society “say” we have to do, and how we fell we failed when we don’ acomplished some goals and in a certain time. And today I thought about this:

To be miserably happy.

We live in a world that says what we need to be, and if we have some doubts it quickly helps us to find a “box” so we can “fit in”, so you can be perfect to the eyes of society, to live im community we have to be most similar possible and do not stand out, or we can be left out, the world must be uniform and we all need to have a family, with a mother, a father, a brother or sister, a pet, usually a dog, and live in this beautiful house with a garden, of course, and a van, a family car must allways be a van. At school we all must have good grades, love science and practice a sport, (football, or soccer, or course).

At School We have to have good grades, preferential to love science, if we do sports must be football(soccer, for the u.s.a.). At high school we must go to science, (becauseeveryone knows the other studies are for dummies, or just to lost time, if you are not a doctor you’re nothing in this life). Off course we need to have a boyfriend ou girlfriend (the oposite sex of ours), same age as our, same social economic group and etnicy, just to be “perfect”. After we finish college we must have a job in what we’ve studied and marry the love of our lives, own a house and have two kids, a boy or a girl would be just perfect. (And if we only want to have one, por only son, can’t be! or 3 ou 10, that’s insane!) We have to look the perfect family all the time, perfect jobs, perfect house, perfect dog, perfect kids, all perfect… and if we don’t fit all this criteria, we certantly have bad luck, but if we fit.. we will be miserable happy..

Am I the only one who are suffocated by reading this text?

Originally published at https://diariodeumamenteirrequieta.blogspot.com on November 19, 2019.



Eliana vasconcelos
Eliana vasconcelos

Written by Eliana vasconcelos

I’m a designer, Human rights advoc. who thinks a LOT all time. I write about what’s in my mind in my blog, diariodeumamenteirrequieta.blogspot.com (Portuguese).

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