The word that changes everything.

Eliana vasconcelos
3 min readAug 23, 2021


Illustration made by me

I am a daydreamer, i am always thinking about everything in a deep level, or in a weird level too. One of the thinks i love most is to know people, not that i like to know new people, definitely not like i used to when i was younger, but i think a lot why don’t we talk more with strangers, i mean, when you are a kid it is forbidden and dangerous, but when you are an adult and see someone interesting why can’t why talk to that person without being weird? But if someone introduces us to a stranger it is ok to talk to that person without being weird? I think about the fine, invisible, line that separate us between knowing a person and being a completely stranger.

And what if I say “hi” or “hello”? and talk to that person? Am I a creep? Or just Friendly? I am not saying you should go and talk with everyone and tell them your whole life and frustrations, but sometimes i feel that we, adults complicate too much.

Sometime i see someone very sad and i want to ask if she/he is ok but then i think, it is not my business but at same time, the person is on street i can see her/him, what if i can help, what is that person just need to know that she/he is seen, and heard, and that someone cares? What if I don’t do anything, it does makes me a selfish, cold person, just indifferent to someones pain? There are hard questions and I don’t have an answer, i am just thinking out loud with you.

Kids talk to everyone, they here someone making a question and they answer it even if the question was not to them, adult people almost never answer, they never think it is made to them, for example, last week i went to a mandatory meeting for unemployed people. When i arrived there were to persons outside and the door was closed, it was a strange entrance, it looked like an old store, but it has a poster on the door with some information. Since there was two people outside looking at the door i asked if they were there for the meeting as well, they were very young, in early twenties, and none of then answered me, so i repeated one more time and in this time I looked specifically to one of them so he understand i was asking him directly, and he barely answered. Isn’t is weird, or it is me? why we have this hard time when a strange person tries to talk with us?

Being a grown up is full of “rules” that aren’t “rules” that anyone has told us to follow but we feel we need to follow, and i don’t know why.

Between being lonely and have a friend maybe is just a matter of saying “hello” to the right person, you can say it to someone and never talk to that person again or you can say it to someone and find a friend to life, and we will never now because we think too much and we care too much if we look weird or lunatic instead of living life and make talk to strangers a normal thing in like.

It is time to change, it is time to say “hello” and see what happens, something wonderful can happen, give it a try.



Eliana vasconcelos
Eliana vasconcelos

Written by Eliana vasconcelos

I’m a designer, Human rights advoc. who thinks a LOT all time. I write about what’s in my mind in my blog, (Portuguese).

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