Not every women want to have kids or get pregnant and that’s ok.
Stop asking women when they will have kids. Please, just stop!
Stop telling women they need to rush to have kids
Stop telling women they must have or at least want to have kids.
Stop asking women if they don’t want kids.
Stop asking women reasons to don’t have kids.
Stop looking at woman without kids like if we are incomplete, because we are not!
Stop thinking that the only thing we need to have kids is a penis and a vagina living together because it’s not! Definitely not!
Imagine someone with depression having a kid just because he/she is passing the “fertile age”
Imagine someone broke having a kid just because he/she is married.
Imagine someone wanted very badly to have a baby but can’t get pregnant, or had multiple miscarriages, and you keep asking them the same painful question over and over.
Imagine someone who don’t want kids having a kid, just because society do so much pressure people start to think their lives wouldn’t be complete without a kid in it. but felling so frustrated after.
Stop, it is not your business, it is not your life, it is not your body.
Yes, women know they have a limited time to procreate.
Yes we know.
And If we want a baby we will, we don’t need your concern, your opinion or your permission.
just leave us alone.