The place I Belong
I have been Thinking about the place each were born and raised. And even though it has many bad things like economy, Weather, crime. That places bring us a familiarity that no other place can give us.
I Recently watched a scene in the Netflix show about the killer of Gianni Versace, and it was with a philipino man that lived in the USA for more that 20 years and returned to Philipines and his son was there visiting him and the man woke up in the middle of the night and saw that his son was up and said this: “can’t sleep? I am not surprised. It’s the heat. I am used to it, I grew up in it. Played in it. Worked in it. It’s been a while since I’ve been back, but.. the body remembers. You can pretend you belong somewhere else, but the body knows.” And I thought that is somehow poetic.
I have been Thinking about moving to another country I like and sometimes I think that even i live there mora than 30 years, in that place i won’t find my first school, the street of my Granny house, my first house, the places I used to Ride my bike with my cousin, my childhood beach, the musics that used to play on the radio in my childhood, and that is something se can’t Change, and I think that’s kind of magical and nostalgic.