Deconstruction or outgrowing church

Eliana vasconcelos
2 min readJun 16, 2021


The bubble where i grew up, full of saints, illustrated by me

i don’t know were to start. there are many begginings and stories to tell, many things passing my mind, so fast like a Concord.

let me try this:

i believe i am desconstructing my life, (actualy is my faith or the way i see God and people from church (evangelical), wich is the same to me, I don’t know other life or reallity outside evangelical church, I don’t know what to do on a sunday besides go to the church. A very big part of my friends are evangelical and aren’t desconstructing or understand what this is. Actually neither do I.

All I know is what is to be an evangelical, to thing and act like one, so I know exactly what they are going to say and think about me, and I know that it is not what they think or what they think they do, I know because I was one of them for long enough to know it.

Do you know when you see something like the well knowned optical illusion of the young/old lady? once you’ve see it, you can not unsee it.
I feel like my eyes are open, but as i write this I remember Adam and Eve, their eyes opened after they sin… This is a very confusing process, I am not sure of anything anymore. I grew up surrounded by people full of certains but maybe they were just arrogant and(or) clueless and nothing else. I don’t know. but I do know one thing: I don’t want peety, and don’t want any christian to convince me that I am wrong, i have outgrown that, i’ve been there, I was that person, and I am sorry that I was so blind.



Eliana vasconcelos
Eliana vasconcelos

Written by Eliana vasconcelos

I’m a designer, Human rights advoc. who thinks a LOT all time. I write about what’s in my mind in my blog, (Portuguese).

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